יום חמישי, 14 בפברואר 2013

The Scary Bridge

I needed tounlock car doorLakewood and so I went to a Locksmith company near here. I was driving backhome and I only had to cross the bridge to get there. The sky was already goingtowards a beautiful and colorful sunset, I loved the colors of the sky by thattime of the day, so I was looking at it, while stopping at the traffic light.

And it wasjust right in that short moment that I noticed there was someone on the bridge.As I looked at him, at a first glance, he looked like someone who was enjoyingthe sightseeing over the bridge, where the city center is. But as I looked athim better, I could clearly see that he was trying to do something.

This mademe curious and I wanted to see what he was doing. With his eyes stared to the unlock car door friscocompany over the bridge, that man was trying to climb the fence of the bridge. Ina moment, I pictured in my mind a suicide scene where the man fell down in thewater of the river and died.

I parkedthe car and walked towards him, I felt that if anyone in the is world wasdesigned to do something in that moment, then it was just me. I reached him andcomforted him, after all a suicide was not a solution and if anyone needs helpthen just ask and the world will provide them with a helper!

I didn’tknow how, but my few words worked out. He gave up climbing and told me that hewas sad because he had lost his girlfriend.  I comforted him again and for a hour we wenttalking a lot. In the end, we got friends and now, 3 months later that day, heis fine.

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