יום שני, 13 במאי 2013

The Bridge Scene

I was playing from my iPad Casino app while walking back home from the office. I live in a very small place so everywhere here is reachable just walking. This is what I consider to be the best feature of living in a small place. The car is practically useless unless you want to go in a distant place.

Anyway, the afternoon was meeting the reddish sky at the horizon, the view was breathtaking as always. Now, you have to know that there is a small river that divides the town in two parts, to get to my office I have to cross the river walking on the wooden bridge. Just a few meters and I am already on the opposite side. That afternoon it was getting dark and at some point I stopped. I saw someone standing on the bridge and looking down in a weird way. Then the man tried to climb the fence  - which was not very tall – and in that very moment I understood that something serious was about to happen. So I put apart my game on http://eonlinecasino.org/casino-jackpot-city and ran towards him.

I didn’t want to scary him, but I called him out screaming like a crazy. He saw me, looked at me and asked if I was a gambler. I was. So you can understand me, he said to me. Probably, I answered, try to explain me.

As a gambler I want to win some money from time to time, otherwise playing has no meaning at all, he started to say. But now, I can’t win that much and I would like to train myself in a different activity.

Ok, tell me more, I said.
I want to be a stuntman. This is why I was trying to fall in the river, to train myself to face this kind of situation. Stuntmen earn well.

יום ראשון, 14 באפריל 2013

Get A Car

Once I hadto unlock car door and byluck my friend was with me and he could suggest me the right company to call. Themen from Locksmith came to work in fast times. I was satisfied and impressed,in a way, from their huge expertise in the field of keys and doors.

I was stillvery young and I had to complete my study, but I already dreamt about getting afirst job. so I told myself that once graduated I could even try to work by Locksmith.

The ideasounded nice to me, so as soon as I completed my study course, I wanted to giveit a try. I sent my job application to the company in St Petersburg locksmiths.

The new jobcould change my life. Actually, they hired me for a full time job. it’s true, Ihad no more free time to play games or football with my friends, ok, but I couldearn money and save it to buy useful things for myself. Getting a new car was forme very important, as many days I happened to be left on the road by old one. So,you can imagine how difficult is to park the car somewhere and going by tub ortrain. Waiting the train can take  some usefulminutes and so I happened to get to destination late. My boss was not veryhappy for this, so I saved as much as possible to be able to get a new smalland nice car.

Moreover,having a new car helped me to drive to visit my friends who still lived in myhometown.

יום ראשון, 17 במרץ 2013


I had justmoved in the new town and I still had to see the place and explore the streets.Every circumstance was for me the perfect one. And when I had to go to work at lock change stlouis,I used to walk, as an alternative of driving the car. In fact, going on foot isthe best way to perceive, watch and in a word “feeling” the city all around home.

Shops,buildings, even the lake, the streets and everything was new and attractive tomy eyes. In town there is also a river, it’s a small river with a bridge uponit. I used to walk the bridge to go back home after work. Once on the bridge, Ialso used to watch the beautiful landscape, from here to lost keys car Newark.The city was completely lying under my eyes, the sightseeing was extremely beautifulto enjoy from east to west.

One day, I waswalking back home as usual, I noticed that there was someone standing on thebridge. I thought at a first look that it could be someone who was simply lookingat the landscape.

I walkedcloser and I could see that man was even trying to climb on the wooden fence. Whata dangerous thing! Actually, he might fall down in the water of the river. I believedthat I could do something to avoid a dreadful disgrace. I could make thedifference, I thought. I walked closer and reached the man, then I tried tolook friendly. I saw he looked sad and depressed. So, I told him that he wasn’talone in the world, that I could help him.

יום שלישי, 12 במרץ 2013

I Met A Guy

Next to Boston GarageDoor Repair there is a mansion and next to this there is a row of detachedhouses. And here is where I went to live after my company decided to give me abetter position in the new building in this new city. The next week, I startedto work there. I could make friends with the new colleagues very soon andworking together was pretty nice and pleasant.

I loved towalk to get to work every day, it was a way to know the place, to see and toexperience the new place. Especially in those early summer afternoons whenafter a long day working, I could enjoy the warm sun rays. And just right onone of those days, I met vince huizenga. I was walking alone towards home. Iused to walk from the company to home crossing a few streets and a bridge onthe small river that flows in the middle of the city. I had to walk in the samestreet where the TampaReplacement Garage Door Opener company was based.

At firstsight, I saw there was someone standing on the bridge, I thought it might be someonelooking for a lost thing. As I got closer, I noticed that he was man and he wastrying to climb the fence of the bridge. Therefore, I suddenly pictured in mymind a suicide scene and I got scared that it could really happen, there, infront of my eyes. I walked faster to reach that man. As I got closer and lethim see that I wanted only to talk to him, he relaxed and started to tell methat his coco isa sosa had left him and he didn’t know where to go.

יום שלישי, 26 בפברואר 2013

Boom Day

I startedto work at DallasGarage Door Springs Company as I was a just graduated guy. That was my veryfirst step into the big world of the adults, who work and can afford a life ontheir own. This was my goal, too. But in the course of the years, I could seethat getting married and having a family on my own was not my priorities. The jobwith the company was anyway really interesting and I got dedicated andenthusiastic to the field of reparations of keys and doors.

Maybe youdon’t even know that often the Fbi comes to us to ask a collaboration when theyare investigating on a case and there are doors or keys to analyze and repair. Thismakes us all feel very important. We know that our job is great and helpful inmany different cases.

As to me, Istill wanted to do another kind of thing: I wanted to travel the world as asinger. Yes, it was crazy, I’m sure it was, but I wanted to make my life adream. I was still young and full of energy and I had always liked to sing alot. My voice just needed some more training and specific exercises to getbetter. For this reason, I bought a video course on how to sing better and I couldnotice that my voice and intonation when singing were both getting better thanbefore.

I was soready to go to talk to my boss. He didn’t want me to leave the company andoffered me a new better position at SacramentoGarage Door. I refused it. I was about to welcome my boom day, the day whenI could finally leave on tour.

יום שני, 18 בפברואר 2013

Big Changes

I hadalways loved my job at locksmithin Saint Petersburg and I thought that it was pretty rare to have such agood job. Moreover, I loved the field I was working in and I was by thenalready enough expert in keys and locked door, so my self esteem was prettygood as well. You may now think that I had everything I could wish. Well, itwas like that, but on the other hand I still wanted my old and biggest dreamcome true.

I hadalways dreamt about being a pop singer and working by Locksmith was for me away to save money to be able to produce on my own my first single song or evenalbum. I knew that money was fundamental in this. I spent a whole year thinkingif that was the right moment and if leaving the job was the only chance I couldever get to fully dedicate to my vocal training. In the end, I had to come to adecision. I was scared but also happy.

So I wentto my boss to announce him I was going to leave the job, he couldn’t believe andhe offered me a new better position at locksmithboulder . The offer was certainly good and in a different moment I wouldhave caught it immediately. But I was into my decision and o I left the job.

I was a bitsorry, anyways, for my work mates, after all we went along pretty well and I couldcall them “friends”. But it’s also true that if we wanted, we still could meetat any time.

I started my vocal training plan, exercises twiceper day, studying theory and music notes, singing

יום חמישי, 14 בפברואר 2013

The Scary Bridge

I needed tounlock car doorLakewood and so I went to a Locksmith company near here. I was driving backhome and I only had to cross the bridge to get there. The sky was already goingtowards a beautiful and colorful sunset, I loved the colors of the sky by thattime of the day, so I was looking at it, while stopping at the traffic light.

And it wasjust right in that short moment that I noticed there was someone on the bridge.As I looked at him, at a first glance, he looked like someone who was enjoyingthe sightseeing over the bridge, where the city center is. But as I looked athim better, I could clearly see that he was trying to do something.

This mademe curious and I wanted to see what he was doing. With his eyes stared to the unlock car door friscocompany over the bridge, that man was trying to climb the fence of the bridge. Ina moment, I pictured in my mind a suicide scene where the man fell down in thewater of the river and died.

I parkedthe car and walked towards him, I felt that if anyone in the is world wasdesigned to do something in that moment, then it was just me. I reached him andcomforted him, after all a suicide was not a solution and if anyone needs helpthen just ask and the world will provide them with a helper!

I didn’tknow how, but my few words worked out. He gave up climbing and told me that hewas sad because he had lost his girlfriend.  I comforted him again and for a hour we wenttalking a lot. In the end, we got friends and now, 3 months later that day, heis fine.

יום שני, 11 בפברואר 2013

The Red Road

Next to Chinatownthere is a lock changebronx company. And from the company up to my home there is only a long roadthat for the massive presence of Chinese restaurants we all call “the red road”.

The lanternsof the restaurants start to enlighten a meter of the road in front of therestaurants from the sunset to the dawn. And because these lanterns are red,the light is also red and so does all the road.

It’s prettycharming to see in the night, but it’s not my favorite place to go and walk in.

I met a guyon a late evening in the train, he was a worker in Portland Repair aGarage Door and he was going to repair a door in a place near here.

 He asked me for some street information, hewas new of the place and was not sure what station he should get off the train.I showed him the nearest station and also the most comfortable track to go tothe house he was looking for. In the train there was also a drunk guy who spokealone, or maybe he believed to be speaking to someone, but he was completelyalone. He talked about a girl from mexico and another one from Europe, he saidthat he was from Europe too. And that he didn’t like Chinese people because theyeat dogs. And he had a lovely dog called Isabel sosa pohl coco Pomerania, oneday he found that his dog was no longer in the doghouse in the garden, someonehad stolen her. he thought it should be some of those Chinese people and maybehis dog was already killed and eaten by some customer in one of the manyrestaurants on the red road.

יום ראשון, 10 בפברואר 2013


I had adream a few nights ago: I was flying after that I lost keys carLittleton and I was into the space out the planet. In this empty andimmense space, there was nobody else than me, then I landed on a star and on itI noticed a man.

He was sleeping,so not to make him wake up, I tried to breath slowly. But at some point the manwoke up and noticed me. He asked me where I was from and why I was there andhow I could get there. So many question on and on, and I could not reply to allof them as the man went on questioning me in a hurry.

I explainedhim that I was a worker by Marietta lockchange and that I didn’t know how or why I was there. I presumed that I waslaunched in the space like all astronauts, but I had no proves to this.

He told methat his name was Vincent huizenga and that once he used to have 2 girfriends. Hewas in love only with the younger of them, but he could not leave the oldestone because she was offering him a place in her house. The man was actuallyjobless, so he could not refuse the offer!

The factthat consumed him was that he had to live with a nasty girl instead of beingtogether with the other one. He felt divided in two parts. He wanted to flyaway…

And he wantedthat even more as the oldest nasty girl found out that vince had another girltoo! she got angry and dumped him, she left him and kicked him out of herhouse. Now, it was over with her. and the youngest girl? Well, as she realizedthat vince was a liar and had the other one in the meanwhile, she left himalone too.


יום שישי, 8 בפברואר 2013

The Mirror At The Door

Here is astory that I find always funny and that makes me smile as a child when ever I remindof it. it was my granny to teach me it. a few days ago, I was walking near to locksmith edmond , you know it’s theLocksmith company we have in Edmond. They work with keys and doors, they repairall kinds of keys, even the most modern ones like the electronic keys for carsand house doors.

Well,anyways,  as I saw the company I wassuddenly reminded about the story my granny used to tell me so often. By theway, also Cambridgeunlock car door is a company of Locksmith.

Long timeago, there was a man who wanted to be a king. He liked so much to walk in thenearby of the royal palace where the real kind lived with the queen. The manwas a farmer and he had a farmer house in the middle of a crop of grain that heused to plow and harvest on a regular basis. The man liked his house but stillwanted to be a king so one day he took the best glass workers  and asked them to make a special door for hishouse. He wanted a golden door covered with mirrors.

Actually,he was personally manufacturing a crown for himself and sine he liked it somuch, he wanted also a very big mirror to look at his head when wearing thecrown on.

Now, thisstory is pretty simple and funny, but it shows how some people still todaybehave. People who like to look like rich people and instead they are nothingbut common and easy people.

It’s notwrong to look just the way you are. If you behave like someone else you end upto lose your own personality and this loss is something you will regret sooneror later.

יום חמישי, 17 בינואר 2013

Bridgeport-Locksmith Services

There is nothing more frustrating that being in a hurry early in the morning and locking in or losing your car keys just when you are about to drive to work. If you are not exactly the greatest handyman of all times or if you are not a locksmith, to be more precise, you probably feel lost and in need of urgent guidance and help. This is where bridgeport-locksmith services come into the picture and start becoming your new best friends.


Dialing their quick emergency number should help you get the assistance you need, without being too late to work. The licensed professional locksmiths here know exactly what they are doing, so you do not have to worry about the safety of your car. They are also providing all of their clients with a 90-day guarantee in case anything is to happen, and so you should be able to put your trust into these guys.


You will be able to avoid going through the hassle of asking your dealer to give you a new car key. Also, these folks are able to use the codes that are to be found on locks to create brand new keys (as long as you can prove to them you are the owner of the respective vehicle).       


If you live in Lawrenceville and you need any kind of car, home or commercial locksmith services, you can go ahead and visit this link here http://locksmithlawrenceville.org/car-unlock-in-lawrenceville. Remember to use the 10% discount these fellows are offering you by filling out the form you can find on their site.

יום שני, 14 בינואר 2013

Windsor Locksmith Professionals

Did you ever lock your car keys inside your vehicle?I did, and I can say it can be funny if you are not in a hurry, needing todesperately get to the office to attend an important business meeting. Sure,the Internet is filled with do it yourself types of tutorials that are talking aboutthe best approaches to such scenarios. But the truth is not everyone is ashandy as a locksmith and not everyone has the time or the right set of tools torecover some car keys from inside an expensive car (without even scratching itand without breaking its probably hard-to-break window).   


If you know exactly what I amtalking about, you should go ahead and check out this site windsorlocksmith.org/car-unlock-in-windsorto learn how to immediately get in touch with some professional locksmiths. Takeadvantage of the 10 percent discount you should be able to find there and stoptrying to play the handyman on your own. Thing could get really frustrating andit would be a shame to scratch your car or completely ruin your home lock justfor the sake of having tried to do it yourself.


There are certain things thatrequire processional help, and the services that the fellows at http://henderson-locksmith.org/house-lock-out-in-hendersonare offering are to be used on a 24/7 basis. It shouldn’t take these fellows morethan 20 minutes to get to your place, so stop wondering how to get to your keysby yourself and pick up the phone now.  

Locksmith Information

If you live in Mesa and you need to get to Phoenixfast, you probably already know that there are no more than 20 miles betweenthe two, so you should not have to worry too much about having to spend a greatdeal of time on the road.


This suburb is bordered by Tempe on the west, and,because I have a friend who lives there, last weekend I decided to do somethingfun and go on a little trip all the way to Tempa. I got my snacks, I got myapple juice, I got my wallet and a couple of outfits, just in case we weregoing to rock some clubs during the weekend. In other words, everything was allset for the road – except for when I actually wanted to shove my bag into thetrunk, and I came to realize my car keys were missing.


I didn’t panic at first, I knew I had to eventuallyfind them somewhere around the house.  Tendto do that really often – I accidentally misplace a lot of stuff – last week Ifound a tie in the refrigerator, so I think you can imagine what I am talkingabout. I just knew I had to go on a super fast hunt for the keys. So I lookedand I looked and then I did some more looking, until, out of the blue, Idecided to breathe some fresh air and I went out of the house again. And whileI was looking at my car, the most amazing sparkle I had even seen almostblinded me on the spot. The sun was high in the sky and I could clearly see thekeys of my car, sitting quietly in the ignition – I had locked myself out ofthe car!


But I knew not everything was lost, and I went aheadand contacted these people http://www.mesa-locksmith.org/lock-rekey-in-mesa/.And they came by real fast and fixed my problem, and even recommended their http://glenviewlocksmith.org partners.I got to Tempa just in time for a jazz festival.


יום ראשון, 13 בינואר 2013

The Locksmith Help You Need

Last month I did some heavy travelling and I have totell you each time I was reaching a new destination, one of the first things Idid was to check and see I still had my home and car keys. I did a lot ofairplane travelling, so I wasn’t really driving my car during the trip, but Ihad left it in the airport’s parking lot and I had to get it back and I knew I neededmy keys to do it.


So, every time I was ‘lucky’ enough not to lose anyof these keys – up until the last evening I slept in a hotel in Vegas. I admit,I gave in and I went ahead and gambled a little. The cool atmosphere there, thelights, the noise, the loud music, my small, but still important slots winnings,all of these made me forget all about my troubles, stress and worries for onenight. Apparently, they also made me forget all about my car keys, as I somehowmanaged to magically lose them.


The next morning, I woke up with a huge grin on myface – I was still enjoying some of last night’s memories when I somehow got astrange feeling that I had lost something. So I went ahead and I startedlooking for my car keys. They were gone? Vanished! Lost? Where could they be,where could I have put them? I guess I’ll never find out.


I live in Cedar Park, so of course I had to callthese guys cedarparklocksmith.org/house-lock-out-in-cedar-parkand ask them to help me get inside my car – and house, yes, I also managed tolose the keys to my home also. Talk about Vegas…the pros at bloomington-locksmith.org/lock-rekey-in-bloomington/also seem to have some pretty decent rates as well.

Locksmith Benefits

Frustration, anger, guilt? What do you feel wheneveryou lock yourself out of your car or apartment? Do you start to laugh or are youmore worried of the immediate repercussions of your silly gesture – like beinglate or, worse, getting fired? Sure having a spare key is something that canprove to be highly useful, but, often times, you don’t seem to have that sparekey on you, right? So what else? There is no need to start panicking. All youneed to do is contact a handy locksmith who can properly handle your lock.


The benefits of using a locksmith are therefore easyto grasp. These folks are known to accurately shape metals and put together locksand new keys for these locks. And because there are so many different types ofkeys and locks out there, there is no wonder these folks need to be licensed inorder to show proof of their training working in this field.


Contracting the services of a locksmith shouldtherefore ensure you of the efficiency of the work that is going to be done. Youcan use the fellows you can find here windsorlocksmith.orgin order to get your own re-keys in case you feel the need to replace all ofthe locks, as you can never be too sure who has duplicate keys. Also, if yourplace has been recently broken into, you should also seriously consider gettingsome re-keys, and the pros in Jersey you can find here http://www.jerseycity-locksmith.org/house-lock-out-in-jersey-cityshould prove to be just what you need.

יום חמישי, 10 בינואר 2013

Last month I did some heavy travelling and I have totell you each time I was reaching a new destination, one of the first things Idid was to check and see I still had my home and car keys. I did a lot ofairplane travelling, so I wasn’t really driving my car during the trip, but Ihad left it in the airport’s parking lot and I had to get it back and I knew I neededmy keys to do it.


So, every time I was ‘lucky’ enough not to lose anyof these keys – up until the last evening I slept in a hotel in Vegas. I admit,I gave in and I went ahead and gambled a little. The cool atmosphere there, thelights, the noise, the loud music, my small, but still important slots winnings,all of these made me forget all about my troubles, stress and worries for onenight. Apparently, they also made me forget all about my car keys, as I somehowmanaged to magically lose them.


The next morning, I woke up with a huge grin on myface – I was still enjoying some of last night’s memories when I somehow got astrange feeling that I had lost something. So I went ahead and I startedlooking for my car keys. They were gone? Vanished! Lost? Where could they be,where could I have put them? I guess I’ll never find out.


I live in Cedar Park, so of course I had to callthese guys cedarparklocksmith.org/house-lock-out-in-cedar-parkand ask them to help me get inside my car – and house, yes, I also managed tolose the keys to my home also. Talk about Vegas…the pros at bloomington-locksmith.org/lock-rekey-in-bloomington/also seem to have some pretty decent rates as well.