I had justmoved in the new town and I still had to see the place and explore the streets.Every circumstance was for me the perfect one. And when I had to go to work at lock change stlouis,I used to walk, as an alternative of driving the car. In fact, going on foot isthe best way to perceive, watch and in a word “feeling” the city all around home.
Shops,buildings, even the lake, the streets and everything was new and attractive tomy eyes. In town there is also a river, it’s a small river with a bridge uponit. I used to walk the bridge to go back home after work. Once on the bridge, Ialso used to watch the beautiful landscape, from here to lost keys car Newark.The city was completely lying under my eyes, the sightseeing was extremely beautifulto enjoy from east to west.
One day, I waswalking back home as usual, I noticed that there was someone standing on thebridge. I thought at a first look that it could be someone who was simply lookingat the landscape.
I walkedcloser and I could see that man was even trying to climb on the wooden fence. Whata dangerous thing! Actually, he might fall down in the water of the river. I believedthat I could do something to avoid a dreadful disgrace. I could make thedifference, I thought. I walked closer and reached the man, then I tried tolook friendly. I saw he looked sad and depressed. So, I told him that he wasn’talone in the world, that I could help him.